Implementation of the PT GCP Indonesia Plastic Pallet Application
This is the application of our Pallet Products to test, implement pallets according to procedures, etc.
1. Aplikasi Racking Drive-In.png 982.07 KB
Is a load where the pallet above is given a load according to the load capacity and the pallet is placed on the Racking Rack. The outer span of the beam is greater/equal to the width of the pallet
2. Aplikasi Racking Selective.png 917.77 KB
Is a load where the pallet above is given a load according to the load capacity and the pallet is placed on the Racking Rack
The outer stretch of the beam is smaller than the width of the pallet
3. Aplikasi Stacking.png 781.69 KB
This is a stacked load where the pallet above is given a load + the second pallet + the next load
4. Aplikasi Statis.png 897.71 KB
This is a stacked load where the pallet above is given a load + the second pallet + the next load
5. Aplikasi Dinamis.png 949.58 KB
Is storage that moves from place of origin to destination using means of transportation such as: Forklift, Handpallet, Stacker & Reach Truck
6. Aplikasi Droptes atau Uji Jatuh.png 826.49 KB
This is a standard drop test:
1. SNI 06-7176-2006 = Drop Test Height 0.5 meters
2. ASTM D1185 = Drop Test Height 1.0 meters